Random observations, musings, thoughts, ideas, and more from the mind of Jenkins Beaming

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Aerogardens & You

In case you haven't seen this yet, please check out www.aerogrow.com. This is singlehandedly one of the coolest inventions ever. It's a fully automatic indoor aeroponic gardening system. It takes almost no effort to maintain. You just fill it with water, pop the seed "cartridges" in, add nutrients to the water, and plug it in. The two fluorescent grow lights automatically turn on and off every day and the unit periodically circulates nutrient-enriched water through the sponge medium that the plants grow in. It notifies you when new water or nutrients need to be added.

In Back to the Future 2, there is a scene at Marty's future house in the kitchen. They have a cool indoor-growing system in their home, and while it's form differs from it's real-life counterpart, the idea is the same. Indoor growing is VERY cool. With this, every person can have their own personal ORGANIC garden.

I bought one a few weeks ago after seeing it in a SkyMall catalog. Turns out they are made in Boulder-which makes me wonder if they were initially invented to grow something else... :) It's amazing. It works as well as they say it does and it's a very cool conversation piece. At only $150, it's a pretty good deal too and it would make a great gift.

Aerogrow offers several different seed packs for growing a variety of different types of plants. I am eager to try the chili peppers, tomatoes, and strawberries. I may need to buy a few more AeroGardens!

The AeroGarden really is a sweet product and everyone should have one in their homes. Plus, if this works for growing things other then the seed packs AeroGrow sells, I can see an entire secondary market developing for these things

This is a great product. Get one!

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