Random observations, musings, thoughts, ideas, and more from the mind of Jenkins Beaming

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Planet Earth Spirtuality

So I've been watching the Planet Earth TV series, which in my opinion, is one of the most fantastic TV shows ever to air. I believe it is a landmark for modern broadcasting and is a killer reason to buy a HDTV now! It is absolutely spectacular. I love how the narration periodically mentions what a technical achievement it is, and it really is.

In watching it, it's made me realize a few things.

First of all, the variety of life on this planet is incredible. I never had any clue about how varied, abundant, brutal, and beautiful life on this planet was.

Second, everything alive depends on something else that's alive to exist as a source of energy.
Life feeds on life feeds on life. Living things all have the natural sense to "stay alive", but only humans apparently have the abilities to attempt to comprehend why.

Second, in my introspective journey of perception, I've realized that every sense in life is subjective. The world really exists only as "energy", which human sense organs have evolved to interpret. Other species have probably evolved different ways of interpreting this energy. How does a krill or a fish perceive the world? A lion? A whale? A fly? Surely some more advanced animals may have similar sense capabilities to humans, but the post-sensory processing of those capabilities is where animals greatly differ.

Living things are an organized collection of energy existing within energy that our senses have evolved to interpret as we do.

So if everything depends on everything else for energy, what depends on humans? Nothing really eats humans, except cannibals and occasional great white shark or kodiak bears. Could it be that there is something above us that we lack the ability to perceive? Is this something that humans do posess the ability to understand, given influence of chemistry?

I believe this is spirituality. It's fun to have found it.

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