Random observations, musings, thoughts, ideas, and more from the mind of Jenkins Beaming

Monday, April 9, 2007

Political Telemarketing

When the Do Not Call registry was launched a few years ago, it included a few exceptions. One of these, and probably the most annoying, is that political telemarketing calls are permitted. Fortunately, politicians are only trying to get votes a few weeks a year, and only a few of them sink to the low of actually telemarketing to people.

I received one of these such calls this afternoon. The call originated from a toll-free number and was a recorded message from some slimy politician running for local office. As I didn't recognize the caller ID number, I didn't answer. But they left a message. Even more annoying is that they called my cell phone, eating up my minutes.

I propose a "telemarket and don't get voted for campaign". This is the only way politicians will cease this intrusion. They must know that if they telemarket to people, they will lose your vote to someone else in the race. As we all know, political elections are always between a douche and a turd. If the turd telemarkets, vote for the douche. And vice versa. If they both telemarket, write in the name of a celebrity or a relative.

Political campaigning may be a necessary evil, but telemarketing is just flat out evil. Americans have been sick of telemarketing for years, that's why the Do Not Call registry was created in the first place.

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