Random observations, musings, thoughts, ideas, and more from the mind of Jenkins Beaming

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The First Entry in the New Blog

Writing the first entry of any blog can be an intimidating task. It's very likely that no one will read it, at least until the blog develops consistent readers.

First, a little about me: my name is Jenkins Beaming. I'm a 25 year old freelance web developer that lives in Denver, Colorado. I'm a freethinking agnostic Jew engaged to be married in just a few months. I'm pro-everything and anti-nothing. The future is bright for us and I love moving forward into it.

I've always felt a close connection with computers and technology and general. Observing the technological evolution of our species has become a favorite pastime of mine. The radical changes in modern technology, which happen almost every day, are truly amazing. Ideas, previously limited to scores of science-fiction media are becoming realized all the time, usually unnoticed or without much fanfare. My intentions are to chronicle the immediately observable evolution of humanity in this blog, both technological and otherwise, as seen through my eyes.

I hope you enjoy this meager first post. I'm going to make a wholehearted attempt to blog very regularly. So, if you do enjoy what is here, please subscribe to my RSS feed.

Thank you for checking out Jenkinsight!

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